Friday, 1 July 2016

Russia Sudden Fire Tens its Military Officers in the Baltic

MOSCOW - Dozens of Russian military officers who served in the Baltic Fleet tibat suddenly fired. Mass dismissal Russian military officer is the first time in modern Russian history.

The sacking was announced by Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu. The reason is unclear but the Russian defense ministry calls them fired for neglect of duty.

Baltic Fleet Command became an important command as a mainstay of Russia to patrol in the area "feud" between Russia and the main Western.

"Commander of the fleet; Admiral Viktor Kravchuk; chief of staff, Vice Admiral Sergei Popov; and other officers fired for dereliction of duty and a distortion of the real situation, "the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement, as quoted by the New York Times, overnight.

"The commander is responsible for the serious flaws in the organization of military training and daily activities as well as the lack of proper care for the personnel," said the Russian Defense Ministry.

Military analyst Valentin Selivanov, former Deputy Chief of the Russian Navy suspect committed a serious error resulting in mass layoffs.

"This is the first time in the history of modern Russia where commanders had been dismissed in such a manner," said Selivanov. "This commander has made a series of serious mistakes."

Russian media released a report on the alleged serious mistakes made commander of the Russian Baltic Fleet, causing mass layoffs. One of them, the incident in April, when a Russian submarine was badly damaged and nearly sank after colliding with a ship of war Poland.

Media based in St. Petersburg is called the approximately 50 officers fired.

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